Monique Sciriha – Manager Crew Training

Monique Sciriha – Manager Crew Training

From a very young age I felt a deep love for aviation and I had always dreamed of becoming part of the industry.  

At the age of 22 I finally made my childhood dream a reality by joining Emirates Airlines as Cabin crew.  Suddenly my little world as I knew it expanded on another level and I was introduced to the many different cultures and wonders of the world.   The 10 years I spent at Emirates flying from country to country not only moulded me into the person I am today, but it left me with the most beautiful memories, friendships and experiences to last me three lifetimes.

After leaving Emirates in 2016 I joined the team at VistaJet as a Cabin Hostess where I spent another 2 years jet-setting from one place to another.   I was under the impression that I had experienced and seen everything that the aviation industry had to offer, oh boy was I wrong.  Business Aviation showed me a completely different side of this lifestyle that I had gotten so addicted to over the years. It was fast-paced and filled with uncertainty.  It made me realise that not everything in life has to run on a straight line to be a success. 

In 2018 I made the very difficult decision to cut my wings and to once again plant my feet firmly on the ground. I was not ready to leave aviation so I joined the team at Maleth-Aero as a Crew Controller.  This change once again brought me to a completely different experience of the industry and my love for aviation grew even more. My colleagues at Maleth were very welcoming and I learned a lot from them over the first few months.  At the end of 2018 I was promoted to Manager Crewing.  I was overseeing the Crew Controllers, ensuring the system is up to date at all times and took care of all the training requirements of the pilots and cabin crew. It was also my duty to write and publish the rosters of the crew.  Within this position I noticed real growth within myself but not without the support of people who believed in me of course.

February of 2021 I joined Hyperion Aviation as Crew Operations Controller and I am very happy to report that to date I am still part of this wonderful team.   From the start I could feel that the team was operating on a different level and it was inspiring.  In my job I face different challenges every single day and it is not always easy, but I have complete assurance that my peers are there to support me at all times.   Together we have worked through many adventures and we have always managed to come out on top.  The people I work with make it worth while every day and inspire me to do my best with every opportunity or challenge that comes my way.  At Hyperion I do not feel like I am part of a company but more that I am part of a family.